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Vision for English

“The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.”


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr. Seuss


“Writing permits me to be more than I am. Writing permits me to experience life as any number of strange creations.”

Alice Walker.



At Witheridge Primary Academy, we are continually striving to create ways which foster a lifelong love of reading, and all things related to language, for all of our pupils. Exposing our children to a range of good quality literature from across all curriculum areas supports pupils to develop their interests, understanding and aspirations. We aim for pupils to leave our school having experienced a range of writing in different genres, and able to be effective communicators through both the written and spoken word.


Statement of Intent English

At Witheridge CofE Academy, through our English curriculum and teaching, we aim to equip pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Our curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:

· develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information

· acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language

· appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage

· write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

· use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas

· are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate


We believe that making cross-curricular and contextual links is essential in developing an enduring passion for language and learning. Therefore, we seek to link our learning in English to our ‘Big Event Curriculum’ theme and to ‘real world’ experiences wherever possible.


Additional opportunities are provided to enrich the cultural capital of our English curriculum, such as inviting visitors in to our school (including librarians and local authors), whole school theme days (such as World Book Day), enrichment days for higher attaining children, and extra-curricular clubs (e.g. Performance Club).


We endeavour to ensure that the English curriculum we provide will give all children the confidence and motivation to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.


Statement of Implementation Speaking and Listening


All children are encouraged to listen carefully and to form sounds correctly from their earliest moments with us in the EYFS through the systematic delivery of the RWI programme.



We are involved in a Nuffield Research Project (NELI) with childrenin our EYFS setting to support early identification and support for children with Speech and Language difficulties.



We currently screen all children in Y1 and Y3, using Speech Link and Language Link, plus any children in other year groups about whom we have concerns around Speech and Language.



A number of strategies are in place throughout the school to support children’s vocabulary development. These include:

  • A focus on vocabulary within the RWI programme
  • Vocabulary focus within every Whole Class Reading session
  • Vocabulary sessions within every teaching sequence for writing
  • Word of the Day and other vocabulary based activities
  • Topic Vocabulary Lists
  • TRUGS games

Oral fluency:

It is our expectation that high quality vocabulary is modelled by staff at all times throughout the school day. Across the curriculum, children are expected to share their learning by talking in full sentences. Children are encouraged to listen to, and build on, the ideas of their peers, and to provide reasoned justifications for their views in all areas of learning. For example:

  • Reasoning in maths
  • Peer mediation in PSHE
  • Constructing shared sentences orally in English
  • Discussion of different opinions in RE
  • Communication of strategy between team mates in PE
  •  LID projects in Y5/6
  • Evaluating evidence in history

Discussing a text in Whole Class reading sessions.


Statement of Implementation Reading

At Witheridge Primary Academy, we believe that reading is a thread which runs through the core of our curriculum. Therefore, the teaching and learning of reading should not be seen just through discrete reading sessions, but across our curriculum as a whole. Our Curriculum Progression documents for reading set out where we might expect to see reading skills being taught, used and applied in a range of context throughout the school day.


However, we also recognise that the specific teaching of reading skills is fundamental to ensuring that all children make progress and achieve their potential. We have set out the expectations for delivery of our Reading Curriculum within each class below.


Where COVID restrictions have been put in place, and adaptations have been made to the delivery of our Reading Curriculum, those amendments have been highlighted in RED.


Statement of Implementation Writing


EYFS: Read, Write Inc

In pre-school, the younger children participate in Phase 1 phonics sessions twice a day while our 3-4 year olds are introduced to a ‘sound a week’ (RWI speedy sounds). The weekly phoneme is taught and re-visited during each morning and afternoon session during which writing of the grapheme is modelled by adults. Children are provided with opportunities to write the grapheme using a range a mark making resources and children’s crossing midline skills, bilateral co-ordination skills and fine motor skills are also developed through adult guided and continuous provision activities.


In Reception, children participate in RWI sessions daily - initially involving the teaching of letter formation and progressing to single word labelling and sentence writing. Children work in guided-group literacy sessions closely linked to their developing skills and opportunities to use these skills independently in their writing are provided through their ‘weekly news’ and ‘topic writing’. Independent writing opportunities are also provided in continuous provision activities and practising of writing at home is encouraged and celebrated through home-school books.


Statement of impact English - website edit - no data


EYFS, KS1 and KS2 assessment:

We have introduced the NELI programme, screening all Reception children for Speech and Language needs. The programme is then followed to address and needs as identified.


We also currently screen all children in Y1 and Y3, using Speech Link and Language Link, plus any children in other year groups about whom we have concerns around Speech and Language.


These programmes are used to inform teacher assessment data. We are developing the use of tools on Curriculum Maestro to ensure accuracy and consistency of teacher judgments across the school and the Multi Academy Trust in Speaking and Listening.