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W/B February 22nd 2021

It’s time to start a new Half Term, and that means a new Topic! Check out our learning resources this week to find out what our new topic will be, and keep your eyes open for the Curriculum Newsletter email this week, which will give you a sneaky peek at some of the things we’ll be learning about this half term. 


If you've not yet booked your parents' evening slot for 3rd or 4th March, it's not too late to get in touch with Mrs Eastman at to book an appointment.


I'm looking forward to our Zoom Catch Up and Google Meet Live Lessons this week. As usual, our Catch Up will take place on Zoom on Monday at 2:30pm. Our Live Lessons will take place on Google Meet. I'll email you all the details, and post the links for these on the Classroom Stream. The Live Lessons will take place from 9-10am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There will also be a ‘drop-in’ session on Google Meet on Wednesday morning from 9-10am – pop along if you have any questions or would like a bit of extra support with your learning. 


This week's class video(s) can be found here:

22 02 21 Home Learning Video

A new half term, and a new topic! Some info about our Home Learning this week, and some other bits to watch out for in your emails...


This week, we'll be finding out how to write an effective information poster in English. In maths, we’ll be learning about units of measure, and in science we'll be finding out about Light. All the resources you'll need to complete this week's activities are attached. 


We are also continuing ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. You will notice we’ve not set any additional tasks for Wednesday, but we will be sending home some fun family-based activities which you might like to try. Please don’t feel compelled to do these – they are entirely optional. However, if you would like to share your pics of Wellbeing Wednesday activities, we’d be delighted to see them! 


Take care, encourage one another, and keep safe! 

Mrs Nott