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Waste Audit

Eco Council Waste Audit

On Thursday (10th November 2022), we were lucky to be joined by Sally Jackson from Resource Futures. Sally worked with our School Councillors and Eco Rangers (who together form our Eco Council) to complete a waste audit of the school. Sally was really pleased to see how much of our rubbish is already being sent to recycling or for composting, and has given us some really helpful tips for how to get even better at managing our rubbish using the three Rs: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". She was also very impressed by the politeness, enthusiasm and attitude to learning shown by all our Eco Councillors. Our Eco Council will be presenting more details about their findings in an assembly to the whole school in the coming weeks.

Well done, Eco Council!



Eco Council News.......

We have had the results of the Waste Audit completed by the school council in July.

We are delighted with the results - over the last academic year, we have managed to HALVE the waste which the school sends to landfill. What an incredible achievement, and a real credit to our School Council and Eco Rangers. 

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