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River Walk - Westcountry Citizens Science Investigations

On Monday, the weather cleared and Class 3 were lucky enough to embark on their highly anticipated river walk. The purpose was to collect soil and water samples from the Little Dart river so we could do some experiments back at school. The main experiment was given to us by Westcountry Rivers Trust who run an initiative called 'Westcountry CSI' (citizens science investigations). 

We were challenged to track the temperature, phosphate and dissolved solid levels at our local river. With sewage, pollution and climate issues on the rise, they rely on the help of keen volunteers like Class 3 to track the conditions of rivers in the local area. Class 3 certainly didn't disappoint. All of the children used their investigation skills marvellously to collect several readings with our brand-new equipment. 

The children will be using their findings to conclude their investigations this week and we are really excited to report our findings on the Westcountry CSI database. 


Ryan Manning