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Our School Vision and Values

‘Encourage One Another and Build Each Other Up’

1 Thessalonians 5: 11

At Witheridge School, we aspire to encourage one another and build each other up to be the best that we can be: the best learners, the best friends, the best people, in school and in the wider community, now and in the future.

In order to help us achieve this, we have six core School Christian Values that we try to follow in school. These values form the basis of our daily acts of Collective Worship.

This half term our value is


Our School CharitIES

This year, the School Council have chosen to support Shelterbox

Shelterbox provide shelter, essential items and technical assistance to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people recover and rebuild their homes after disaster. 


More information about ShelterBox can be found by visiting their website:

Over the year, the School Council will be organising lots of different fund raisers to help raise money for their chosen charities.