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Blundell's Classics and Athletics Day

Children in Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Blundell's School on Thursday.

Blundells Classics and Athletics Day

Children in Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Blundell's School on Thursday.

In the morning, we learnt about the classics (how people in ancient civilisations lived) and learnt to write our names in Greek, Hebrew, Syriac and Egyptian Hieroglyphics. We also discovered all the gruesome details about sacrifices in Ancient Greece through demonstrations on Percy Pig sweets - a delightful and delicious learning opportunity!

After enjoying lunch in the dining hall, we visited one of the boarding houses, where we found out about life for children who stay at school during the week, and for the whole term.

For the afternoon, we walked across to the athletics field, where children were given expert instruction by a number of coaches, and had the opportunity to try out equipment such as shotput, discus, javelin and hurdles.

Throughout the day, the children's behaviour and attitude to their learning was exemplary; staff and other students at Blundell's made several comments about what a wonderful group of children they are.

Year 5, you should all be very proud of yourselves - well done!