Chosen Charities for 2019/20
2019/2020 Choosen Charities
Our School Councillors for this year (Ellie, Cameron, George T, Chloe, Holly, Rowan, Kyah, Zack B and Max P) have been extremely busy this week! Part of their role is to help the school community to choose a charity for the school to support. As you will be aware, last years' School Council chose 'Toilet Twinning' and were very successful in their fundraising. This year, the School Council have chosen to support not one, but two charities! They have chosen to support both CHAT and The Blue Cross. More information about both charities can be found by visiting their websites. Over the year, School Council will be organising lots of different fund raisers to help raise money for their chosen charities. This year, School Council have decided that we will not have a harvest box. Instead we want to help people buy collecting coins which we can donate. To do this, School Council have made a big house and a big dog which we are inviting children to cover with coins. We are asking for children (and grown ups!) to stick coins onto the house and the dog which will be displayed in the hall until half term.